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Release Notes

Boost 1.45 Release
Boost 1.40 Release
Boost 1.39 Release
Boost 1.38 Release
Boost 1.37 Release
Boost 1.36 Release
  • Code cleanup in tree_algorithms.hpp and avl_tree_algorithms.hpp
  • Fixed bug #3164.
  • New treap-based containers: treap, treap_set, treap_multiset.
  • Corrected compilation bug for Windows-based 64 bit compilers.
  • Corrected exception-safety bugs in container constructors.
  • Updated documentation to show rvalue-references functions instead of emulation functions.
  • Intrusive now takes advantage of compilers with variadic templates.
  • clone_from functions now copy predicates and hash functions of associative containers.
  • Added incremental hashing to unordered containers via incremental<> option.
  • Update some function parameters from iterator to const_iterator in containers to keep up with the draft of the next standard.
  • Added an option to specify include files for intrusive configurable assertion macros.
  • Added linear<> and cache_last<> options to singly linked lists.
  • Added optimize_multikey<> option to unordered container hooks.
  • Optimized unordered containers when store_hash option is used in the hook.
  • Implementation changed to be exception agnostic so that it can be used in environments without exceptions.
  • Added container_from_iterator function to tree-based containers.
