QC statistics for lane 1

Date Flowcell Lane Platform Unit Readgroup Sample Library Type Project Genome Centre
B04CRABXX 1 110307_SN685_0058_BB04CRABXX_1 WTCHG_12341 samples 4629/10 gDNA PE P100244 Mouse37 WTCHG

Lane Length Tiles Clusters PF % PF Yield (Mrd) Yield (Mb) Yield (Mb Q20) % Mapped % Coverage % Primer % Variants Mean cov.* % high cov. % dups % pair dups Link
1.1 101 32 3244874 86.2 89.51 9040.48 8418.09 98.3 85.7 0.00 0.94 ± 0.17 3.80 12.50 9.85 8.87 back
1.2 101 32 3244874 86.2 89.51 9040.48 8345.12 98.1 85.7 0.00 0.95 ± 0.17 3.79 12.48 9.83 8.88

  Fraction of reference that is covered at least once   *   Mean coverage is computed over regions that are covered at least once      Proportion of reads in regions with coverage in top 0.1 percentile   

Lane QC statistics and plots

Lane % GC % GCmapped σpos(%GC) insert ± MAD % exonic % exon cov'ge %N maxpos %N %lowQ %lowQend avgQ
1.1 40.7 ± 8.0 40.7 ± 7.9 0.36 371 ± 45 1.0 88.0 0.0 0.0 5.1 25.8 31.1
1.2 39.5 ± 9.6 39.6 ± 9.4 0.39 371 ± 45 1.0 87.9 0.1 0.1 6.0 24.6 30.0

G+C histogram
Insert size histogram
Mapped coverage by G+C

Coverage histogram
Exon/genome coverage distribution
Genomic coverage by G+C

(Predicted) variants by cycle (read 1)
Fraction N/lowQ, read 1
G+C by cycle (PF), read 1

Mean Q by cycle, read 1
Q score histogram, read 1
Variants by Q, read 1

(Predicted) variants by cycle (read 2)
Fraction N/lowQ, read 2
G+C by cycle (PF), read 2

Mean Q by cycle, read 2
Q score histogram, read 2
Variants by Q, read 2

Variants by GC
Log coverage histogram

  The Fraction N/Low Q plots, and dotted lines on the GC histogram plots, refer to all reads that have passed chastity filters. If a reference genome was available, all others refer to mapped reads, otherwise they too refer to chastity-filtered reads. The dotted lines in the fraction N/lowQ plot correspond to the fraction of bases with quality score 4 or less.      "Predicted variants" (dashed line) is the expected error frequency expressed as a Phred score, and may be compared with the "Variants by cycle" graph (solid line). "Mean Q" (solid) is the numerical mean Q score and is a measure of the average information content per read. These graphs use mapped reads only; the dashed line in the Mean Q plot uses all (PF) reads. All four graphs are calculated on called bases with Q Phred score above 4 only.      Mapped coverage by G+C. The coverage was averaged over those genomic regions that were covered at least once. Regions with coverage in the top 0.1 percentile were excluded; the dotted line shows results for all reads. The G+C fraction was computed from read bases, excluding Ns and bases with quality below 4.      Genomic coverage by G+C. The G+C fraction was computed from the reference genome, over the approximate fragment Regions with coverage in the top 0.1 percentile were excluded. The G+C histogram is shown as a dotted line (arbitrary Y scale).      The insert size distribution is summarized by the median and median absolute deviation.   

Multiplex QC statistics

Lane Mx Yield Mrd Yield Mb Q20 % mapped % variants % exonic % exon coverage % pair dups % GC % GCmapped σpos(%GC) insert ± MAD %lowQ avg Q
1.1 All 89.51 8418.09 98.3 0.90 1.0 88.0 8.87 40.7 ± 8.0 40.7 ± 7.9 0.36 371 ± 45 5.1 31.1
1.2 All 89.51 8345.12 98.1 0.89 1.0 87.9 8.88 39.5 ± 9.6 39.6 ± 9.4 0.39 371 ± 45 6.0 30.0

Yield (Mrd)
Median insert size
MAD insert size

Mean G+C
Std. dev. G+C by reads
Std. dev. G+C by position

Tile QC statistics and plots

Variant rate by tile (read 1)
Raw/mapped yield by tile (read 1)
Fraction N/lowQ by tile (read 1)

Variant rate by tile (read 2)
Raw/mapped yield by tile (read 2)
Fraction N/lowQ by tile (read 2)

  HiSeq tiles are grouped in order: swathe 1 top; swathe 1 bottom; swathe 2 top; etc.   

Lane Tile Yield (pf, Mrd) Error rate (%) Mapped (%) Average Q N bases (%) LowQ (%) Last base lowQ (%)
1.1 1 2.378 0.89 98.27 36.38 0.02 4.96 23.63
1.1 2 2.533 0.89 98.26 36.31 0.03 4.98 24.30
1.1 3 2.674 0.90 98.31 36.18 0.05 5.07 24.85
1.1 4 2.792 0.92 98.31 36.04 0.07 5.22 26.04
1.1 5 2.907 0.95 98.31 35.81 0.09 5.55 27.95
1.1 6 3.003 0.97 98.30 35.62 0.09 5.78 29.17
1.1 7 3.056 0.96 98.24 35.75 0.09 5.47 26.97
1.1 8 3.185 0.98 98.24 35.63 0.08 5.30 26.85
1.1 21 2.357 0.87 98.23 36.58 0.02 4.58 22.30
1.1 22 2.498 0.88 98.27 36.50 0.02 4.59 22.68
1.1 23 2.622 0.89 98.28 36.43 0.01 4.54 22.61
1.1 24 2.738 0.90 98.29 36.29 0.01 4.68 23.79
1.1 25 2.856 0.92 98.29 36.11 0.01 4.92 25.38
1.1 26 2.960 0.93 98.27 36.00 0.01 5.00 26.34
1.1 27 2.978 0.91 98.23 36.15 0.02 4.57 23.54
1.1 28 3.060 0.91 98.18 36.14 0.02 4.07 21.44
1.1 41 2.457 0.88 98.28 36.45 0.02 5.14 24.94
1.1 42 2.574 0.88 98.27 36.35 0.01 5.15 25.46
1.1 43 2.710 0.90 98.30 36.17 0.01 5.42 26.98
1.1 44 2.819 0.91 98.33 36.11 0.01 5.32 27.40
1.1 45 2.918 0.93 98.32 35.91 0.01 5.67 29.63
1.1 46 2.987 0.94 98.31 35.81 0.01 5.75 29.57
1.1 47 2.969 0.91 98.26 36.07 0.01 5.11 26.48
1.1 48 3.054 0.94 98.25 35.73 0.01 5.06 25.82
1.1 61 2.406 1.28 98.30 36.18 0.11 5.63 25.64
1.1 62 2.528 0.89 98.29 36.40 0.02 4.94 24.52
1.1 63 2.666 0.89 98.31 36.30 0.02 5.01 25.38
1.1 64 2.784 0.92 98.34 36.12 0.02 5.15 26.66
1.1 65 2.898 0.93 98.34 35.89 0.03 5.54 28.63
1.1 66 3.005 0.94 98.32 35.82 0.03 5.55 29.11
1.1 67 3.019 0.92 98.25 36.01 0.04 5.07 26.03
1.1 68 3.122 0.93 98.23 35.88 0.05 4.63 24.33

Lane Tile Yield (pf, Mrd) Error rate (%) Mapped (%) Average Q N bases (%) LowQ (%) Last base lowQ (%)
1.2 1 2.378 0.93 98.08 36.25 0.03 6.49 27.16
1.2 2 2.533 0.93 98.11 36.29 0.04 6.25 26.35
1.2 3 2.674 0.93 98.16 36.29 0.06 5.99 25.43
1.2 4 2.792 0.94 98.12 36.29 0.09 6.12 24.89
1.2 5 2.907 0.94 98.09 36.28 0.12 6.21 24.95
1.2 6 3.003 0.95 98.10 36.21 0.14 6.09 24.64
1.2 7 3.056 0.95 98.06 36.22 0.14 5.78 22.72
1.2 8 3.185 0.96 97.95 36.24 0.14 5.27 19.53
1.2 21 2.357 0.91 98.07 36.45 0.07 6.04 25.86
1.2 22 2.498 0.91 98.10 36.46 0.06 5.76 24.93
1.2 23 2.622 0.91 98.10 36.52 0.06 5.57 24.21
1.2 24 2.738 0.91 98.09 36.51 0.05 5.74 23.78
1.2 25 2.856 0.92 98.08 36.45 0.04 5.87 23.88
1.2 26 2.960 0.92 98.07 36.47 0.05 5.66 23.06
1.2 27 2.978 0.92 98.04 36.45 0.05 5.47 21.84
1.2 28 3.060 0.92 97.99 36.63 0.07 4.52 17.26
1.2 41 2.457 0.94 98.09 36.31 0.01 6.95 28.99
1.2 42 2.574 0.91 98.10 36.37 0.01 6.47 27.49
1.2 43 2.710 0.92 98.15 36.36 0.01 6.22 26.43
1.2 44 2.819 0.91 98.16 36.39 0.01 6.22 26.10
1.2 45 2.918 0.92 98.13 36.35 0.01 6.35 25.80
1.2 46 2.987 0.92 98.12 36.34 0.02 6.21 25.34
1.2 47 2.969 0.92 98.09 36.28 0.04 6.05 24.39
1.2 48 3.054 0.94 98.04 36.22 0.06 5.29 20.10
1.2 61 2.406 1.21 98.05 36.15 0.09 7.38 31.23
1.2 62 2.528 0.91 98.05 36.36 0.08 6.29 26.79
1.2 63 2.666 0.92 98.08 36.37 0.08 6.20 26.35
1.2 64 2.784 0.92 98.06 36.35 0.07 6.31 26.04
1.2 65 2.898 0.92 98.06 36.27 0.05 6.43 26.16
1.2 66 3.005 0.93 98.07 36.26 0.04 6.36 25.74
1.2 67 3.019 0.93 98.01 36.25 0.05 6.09 24.23
1.2 68 3.122 0.93 98.00 36.31 0.06 5.28 20.22

QC version: 2.1