Data submission Form

Use this form to submit DNA or protein sequences to Meta-MEME. In addition to your sequences, Meta-MEME requires as input a MEME motif analysis of your data in HTML format. Using the output from MEME, Meta-MEME will build a motif-based hidden Markov model of your sequences and will use the model to search a sequence database for homologous sequences.

You will be directed to a URL that contains the links to your results.


Please enter the following inputs:
  1. The name of a file containing a set of MEME motifs from your sequences. This file will be used to build the initial hidden Markov model.
  2. [Optional]The name of a file containing a set of DNA or protein sequences in an acceptable format.

  3. [Optional] Description of your sequences:

  4. [Optional] The sequence database you want to search:


Please select the desired output(s).
  1. A motif-based hidden Markov model.
  2. An analysis of the motif occurrences in your sequences.
  3. A list of homologous sequences from the selected database.

Return to the Meta-MEME home page.

Please send comments and questions to @METAMEME_CONTACT@